Our Story
Kelsey BUlnes

Lissette ZUknick
ZuBu Management Solutions was established by Lissette Zuknick and Kelsey Bulnes in 2017. (ZUknick/BUlnes)
We are association management professionals that recognized the demand for dedicated and knowledgeable staff needed by organizations and associations. ZuBu Management Solutions is passionate to work with organized groups whose volunteers are determined to enhance their profession or specialty interest while focusing on their mission, culture and values. Our experienced and ethical professionals are determined to increase membership value, facilitate leadership growth, strengthen and carry out the goals of the organization. We have unique skillsets allowing us to adapt to various organizations, their members and their executive boards. Utilizing our vast history in association management, we are extremely efficient working with boards of all levels of experience. Each client is assigned a dedicated executive director or account manager with support staff.